Havenstraat 18
3115 HD Schiedam NL

How we work

Excelsa Energy > How we work

Energy transitions - our services

In 4 steps we take you to the best and most effective solution for your specific situation.
By matching your wishes and requirements with the best performing solutions from the market and industry we will find the heat and energy generation tools that you need.

Four crucial steps:

  1. Analysis of your energy consumption
  2. Proposing a possible solution for your energy issue (such as: waste heat recovery, energy storage, combined heat and power (CHP), geothermal energy (geothermal heat), renewable energy (renewables) or a combination of solutions)
  3. Implementation of the chosen products and solutions
  4. Monitoring, evaluating and optimizing the energy consumption with the aim of further optimizing the impact of your investment.

Whether it is about saving costs, process improvements, solutions for emission reduction, designing a new CHP or waste heat recovery of the existing plant, feasibility study and/or design/engineering of geothermal plant (geothermal), optimizing your traditional plant, choosing and installing ‘renewables’, our experts will find the best solution for you!